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I love management games, here it is like Reigns if I remember correctly, great job!

Very much so yes, reigns is a neat game. Thanks a ton!


I really enjoyed the atmosphere you've created here, even if resource managers aren't really my thing. I wasn't really able to discern whether the shape of the ship mattered all that much - I found the most success in filling up the entire screen with modules, as there didn't seem to be a limiting factor in that regard (I assume this might have some bearing on the severity of certain events, as one time 200 people just popped aboard my ship in one go). I guess if there is more depth to these systems, I didn't catch onto it. Furthest I managed to get was year 26, where I lost because people were mad I killed some fish to keep them from starving - ungrateful lot. Anyways, I appreciated a lot of the aesthetic choices and the intriguing worldbuilding. Great work!


Appreciate taking some time to try it out. Thanks a ton! The dynamics of game were going to be a lot deeper originally, I ran out of steam 2 days in and decided to just make it more narrative/survival focused rather than strategy/management. Sam/Ed/Jacob really carried this with the aesthetic and atmospheric choices.